Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Preseason reflection, part twelve: senior Saverina Chicka

This post was written by senior Saverina Chicka

Senior middle blocker, Saverina Chicka (photo credit: Roger Coda)

As Saverina’s career as a student athlete comes to an end, she hopes to leave the program with an additional, fifth core value. However, unlike the preexisting four (family, passion, service, and purpose), this core value will serve as an unspoken rule for the expected atmosphere and overall character of each athlete.

Within the program, Saverina’s “silent” core value is trust; because without trust there is no motivation behind the other four. 

In order to be a successful program in the future, it’s imperative that each athlete trust the relationships, skill, worth, and motives of, not only their teammates, but also within themselves. Saverina hopes to help develop a trusting and prosperous atmosphere. One where freshman feel welcome and seniors feel respected.

She hopes that by creating and maintaining such a standard for the volleyball program, the four core values will be of even more importance and worth to all members of the Fredonia family.