Saturday, September 17, 2016

Preseason reflection, part eleven: senior Sara Madison

This post was written by senior Sara Madison

Senior outside hitter, Sara Madison (photo credit: Roger Coda)

This is part eleven of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Seniors are asked the question, "What will you do for Fredonia Volleyball that will last after you are gone?"

Sara believes this question is a different phrasing of the question “What will be irreplaceable about you after you graduate from our program?”, which Sara and all of her teammates have been asking themselves for the past few years.

So Sara chooses to answer the question on "irreplaceability" that focuses on a consistent trait throughout the entire college career rather than mash up a list of idealistic future goals that can only be completed in the final year at Fredonia.

One trait that has been consistent in Sara’s personality, despite the monumental changes and growing up that happens in four years of college, is honesty. Sara isn’t always vocal about her opinions, but when asked, honesty is something she can control. The value of honesty isn’t something that an be directly seen or is tangible but truth is important in growing and to grow a great program there needs to be a basis of honesty.

Even if feelings are hurt for a moment, or confidence is dulled, improvement always stems from an open playing field with everyone on the same page. There is always going to be someone who is faster, stronger, or smarter out there, but Sara feels the qualities of a person that are immeasurable are those that last long after graduation.