Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Preseason reflection, part two: sophomore Rachel Aiello

This post was written by sophomore Rachel Aiello

Sophomore defensive specialist, Rachel Aiello (photo credit: Roger Coda)
This is part two of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Sophomores are asked the question: "How will you help this year's freshmen class have a better first-year experience than you had?": 

In order for Rachel to help this year’s freshman class to have a better first-experience than she had, she will assure that the freshman feel immediately welcomed.  It can be very intimating walking into a team that already knows each other and has developed a strong relationship already.  Getting to know the freshman immediately is very important and can make her feel a part of us faster.

To also help create a better experience, Rachel wants the freshman to feel just as important has anybody else on the team. Being new to a team can be very difficult on its own with meeting people and learning how to play with new teammates.  When it comes to being a team, Rachel feels the best way to create team chemistry with the freshman is to think of them as simply as our team and almost forget that they are so new.  Focusing on how new people are can almost take over from the team’s goal.

Lastly, Rachel just wants to be there for the freshman and to guide them with anything that they do need as they adjust to their new home.  Also, help with time management skills with balancing volleyball and school work.  Rachel had a hard time figuring out time to make sure everything was done and would love to give tips to the freshman class.