Thursday, September 15, 2016

Preseason reflection, part ten: senior Megan Collins

This post was written by senior Megan Collins

Senior opposite hitter, Megan Collins (photo credit: Roger Coda)
This is part ten of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Seniors are asked the question: "What will you do for Fredonia Volleyball that will last after you are gone?"

Recently, Megan watched the show Friday Night Lights.  In case you haven’t seen it, it centers around a small town in Texas and its high school football team.  Megan quickly became addicted to the show and binged watched all 5 seasons on Netflix is a few short weeks.  
She enjoyed watching this show as it uses a small town as a backdrop to explore many controversial issues in today’s society, such as addiction, family values, war, racism, economic disadvantages etc. She felt as she could relate to the story’s ever changing plot and the quality of characters that emerged throughout the show.  
She became intrigued with main character Coach Taylor. Coach Taylor was presented as a class act, who was constantly preaching the importance of character to his athletes.  After completing the series Megan saw how Coach Taylor tied the entire cast and plot line together.  Every single character in the show was a better person for knowing him.  
Megan wants her character to be remembered by her teammates after she is gone.  Genuine character is something that lasts long after skill level, popularity, GPA’s, etc.  Since being in this program her character has been challenged many times, for both good and bad.  Regardless of the quality of the experience she has learned from it!   Megan wants her character to be remembered and honored after she has retired from Fredonia Volleyball!