Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Preseason reflection, part seven: junior Jane Garrity

This post was written by junior Jane Garrity

Middle blocker, Jane Garrity (photo credit: Roger Coda)

This is part seven of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Juniors are asked the question: "How will you be the leader that Fredonia Volleyball needs now that you are an upperclassman?":

Jane will try her best to lead by example. For newbies coming in, they observe the culture around them, and adapt to that. With only Amanda coming in this year, we must all show her (as a team) how we operate. By showing up on time, remaining focused and respectful, and giving 100%.

As an underclassman, Jane struggled a bit with the college transition. Now, as an upperclassman, Jane must set the tempo, as they may be going through these same struggles.

Jane has been on the team for two years now, lived in 3 dorm buildings; Jane pretty much knows how everything works. If the underclassmen hit any bumps in their experience, Jane wants to be able to act mature and provide consistency, so problems they are having are left off the court, as they should be.

Also, with her maturity, Jane must separate off-court and on-court issues. Jane wants the underclassmen to be able to come to her with issues as well. Jane feels like she is pretty good with people and at problem solving, and has many connections on campus now between athletics, the fitness center, the business program, and Enactus. Jane wants them to know that she is here to help them if needed.