Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Preseason reflection, part nine: junior Kristen Stanek

This post was written by junior Kristen Stanek

Junior outside hitter, Kristen Stanek (photo credit: Roger Coda)

This is part nine of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Juniors are asked the question: "How will you be the leader that Fredonia Volleyball needs now that you are an upperclassman?"

Throughout the past two years that Kristen has been a part of the Fredonia Volleyball program, she has had many role models to look up to.  The captains were always leading the team in the best way possible.   They were always there to talk to when she needed advice, and were always supportive both on and off the court.  

This is what Kristen hopes to bring to the underclassmen as she moves along in her volleyball career.  She thinks that seeing the way that they have led the team, helps her get a better idea of how she would like to become a leader. 

Kristen will become a leader by bringing her positive attitude to all practices, games, and team events.  She hopes to become more outgoing, and to become someone that the underclassmen will look up to, just as she has looked up to the upperclassmen as well.  

With this team specifically, there needs to be someone who brings out the communication on the court.  This team has struggled with the communication aspect and the coaches can only tell the team so many times that they need to communicate and cheer more during practices and games.

Kristen doesnt want to get any more obstacle points for not communicating or not supporting each other.  This year this is one of her biggest goals.  She wants to lead by example and bring out the communication that this team has been looking for.  If she can start this from the first day of preseason, everyone will begin to follow along.

Kristen hopes that this year she can become the leader that everyone would like to have on their team.