Thursday, November 3, 2016

Be careful picking your major

By Ryan Maloney

My office bookshelf -- the books related to my college major (left) and those that bring me joy (right)
Be careful when you mick your major, not because of the starting career salary, but because when you pick a major, you get labeled.

People like labels -- the shortcuts that help us define you. We like to assume that what you're studying in college is exactly what you're interested in. "What's your major?" is a much easier conversation to have than "What brings you joy?"

That's fine, but don't fall for the trick.

Eventually your interests will change. It might take one year, or ten, but they will change, and the interests that led you to pick a major when you were 18 will no longer serve you at 28. You'll need to drop the label.

And drop the label as often as you need.