Monday, October 10, 2016

Becoming a volunteer and pursuing a hobby

By Ryan Maloney

Lauren Hokaj (left) and I during senior night in 2015
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead

As many now know, during the first week of September I accepted a new position as Fredonia's first full-time strength and conditioning coach. Since New York State employees can't be paid in two positions, I've had to resign as assistant volleyball coach.

I no longer travel with the team, I don't sit on the bench during matches, and I rarely attend practice. But I think about this team more than I ever have.

My official title will be Volunteer Assistant Coach for Women's Volleyball. It's a more apt description because helping this team has become my hobby. Our cultural adage says, "Make your hobby your job, and you'll never work a day in your life." But in my experience, once you do that, you get a new hobby.

I still love writing this blog. I still love having relationships with our players. I still love coaching them in the weight room. I still love thinking about every possible way we can make our team better. The word volunteer is misleading. On the one hand, you don't get paid for your work, but on the other hand, your work isn't motivated by money in the first place.

After all, Wikipedia, the most visited website in the world, was built almost entirely by volunteers.