Thursday, September 1, 2016

Preseason reflection, part five: junior Hallie Christopher

This post was written by junior Hallie Christopher

Junior setter Hallie Christopher (photo credit: Roger Coda)

This is part five of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Juniors are asked the question: "How will you be the leader that Fredonia Volleyball needs now that you are an upperclassmen?"

Hallie has experience being a strong leader on a team from her previous high school and club experience. She has been a captain on many teams she has participated on, forming a strong level of respect from those younger than her.

She does not go about this in such a way that is common of her other peers. She will never talk down to any of her teammates or treat them in a way that they don’t deserve. She befriends them and gets to know them on a personal level so that when they are on the court the same natural attention given on a day-to-day basis is also given on the court. It has been realized that you cannot force someone to listen to what you have to say.

Hallie also has another level of leadership that was created outside of the volleyball world. When she was in high school, she participated in band. During some of her years in band she was placed as the section leader. As only a sophomore she had some control over players that were both younger and older than her. She had to figure out how to influence their playing without being hurtful or rude. This took much practice and patience.

Hallie will do her best to be a leader that Fredonia volleyball needs now that some of our strongest leaders have graduated. She will always try her hardest to make everyone feel like part of a team, not just a class or year. Hallie is excited for the challenges and opportunities that this season brings.