Saturday, August 20, 2016

Preseason reflection, part one: freshman Amanda Mosack

This post was written by freshman setter, Amanda Mosack

Freshman Amanda Mosack (photo credit: Roger Coda)

This is part one of a twelve-part series of reflections our players write before reporting for preseason. Freshmen are asked the question: "Why do you deserve to be a part of Fredonia Volleyball?":

Amanda Mosack deserves to be a part of Fredonia Volleyball. One reason that she deserves to be a part of the team is because she has a genuine love for the game.  She began playing volleyball in 4th grade and has loved it ever since.

Another reason why Amanda deserves to be a part of Fredonia Volleyball is because she is a team player. She does things in order to benefit the team rather than just benefit herself.

Third, Amanda is a very goal-oriented player. She works and works until she achieves her goal. Because of this goal orientated mindset, Amanda also can be a perfectionist. She wants everything to be just right for everyone, so all are happy. This can range from getting a set perfect to a player, to making sure everyone's backpacks are cleaned up neatly in the team's designated area. Amanda always wants everything to be "just right."

Lastly, Amanda has a relentless work ethic. She gives it her all each and every opportunity she has on the court. Whether it's hustling for every ball that may not have been a perfect pass, or trying to shag balls fast enough for a drill to continue on without stopping, she is always giving it her all. Because of these traits, Amanda deserves to be a part of Fredonia Volleyball.